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Android's "Quick setting panel" is too convenient

 An notification panel that can be pulled out from the top of the Android smartphone screen.As you know, there are switch buttons that switch between Wi-Fi, mobile data communication on / off, screen rotation, validation of location information notification, and disabled.It is officially called the "Quick setting panel".The placed buttons (tiles) can be replaced, so it is possible to change the frequently used one to a position where the finger is easy to reach.


 And in fact, a long time ago, Android 7.From 0, you can freely add your own tiles to this quick setting panel.Well, I have recently learned about that ...Anyway, if you use this, you can achieve a shortcut function that performs some action by simply pulling out the notification panel and one -tap the tile.


 There are many tiles that can be used by terminal standards, such as the communication -related on -offs listed above, and the systems that are valid and disabled related to the screen display, so if you replace them well, it is quite convenient.However, there is no way to use this because ordinary apps can add more unique tiles.

 For example, if you install "Sleep asroid" in the sleep analysis app, you can add a tile to start sleep analysis with one touch."Hue Essential", which can control the smartlight "Hue", allows you to switch the on -off of any lighted light from the tiles.In the " + message" of the message application, you can add a tile to change the validity and invalid of incoming call notifications, and when the search tool "Microsoft Bing Search" is installed, "Contextual Search" displays the web / image search function and the latest news.You can use the tile.

「睡眠の解析」は「Sleep as Android」アプリ、「2F Counter(トグル)」は「Hue エッセンシャル」アプリ「Hue エッセンシャル」でライトをオン・オフするタイルを設定。無料ユーザーだと1つだけ。130円の課金で複数登録が可能になる。「Contextual search」のタイルをタップするとWeb・画像検索も可能な最新ニュース画面をポップアップするタイル編集画面で、下にあるタイルを上にドラッグすることで好きなものを追加したり、入れ替えたりできる

 I want to increase various functions and make it convenient, but the only troublesome thing is that there is no way to find an app that supports quick setting tiles on Google Play.In most cases, you don't know if you don't actually download and install.It is rarely explained on the Google Play app download page.However, it is easy to find apps that aim only to expand the quick setting panel, so it is recommended to use this.

 Above all, "Tiles", which has abundant functions, wants to push personally.Although it is a paid application of 120 yen, you can add a launcher function that can launch any application and application screen (activity), a function that pops up the weather of the current location, and a shortcut to a function that can take notes immediately with text.The timer that starts from any remaining time can also be tiled, so I have registered a 3 -minute tile for the ramen timer.Ramen is good today.


 Until now, there was an application that always displayed buttons on the notification of the notification panel, which was convenient as a function, but it was not usually useful and could not be helped.Some applications can control various functions with widgets placed on the home screen, but the problem is that at least a part of the home screen is occupied.However, if you are a tile, you can place only your favorite functions in your favorite place, so the advantage is that the notification panel and home screen are unnecessarily "lively".Why don't you create a special quick setting tile?