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Almost confiscated? Please note that smartphones are restricted when entering the country.

 I also wrote in the corner of my last book that I was on vacation at the end of last year, so I went to Bali, Indonesia. "is it the story of overseas wandering again? "you might think that this is a completely different story.

滞在したホテルの庭に出ると、こんな屋根付きのスペース。雨季なのに、天気も良い毎日でした。写真はGalaxy S10+ SCV42で撮影(リンク先はオリジナル画像)

 In recent years, the author asked for leave earlier at the end of the year, went to overseas and other places, according to the schedule of returning home when he paid his work at the end of the year. The reason for leaving early is that air tickets are easy to get and hotels are cheap. I went back to China before paying my job in order to say hello to the editorial department at the end of the year. No, there is also a saying that in order to attend the year-end reception... (laughter).

 Because the action is in accordance with this schedule, in fact, they have accumulated work abroad at the end of the year, and many of them finish manuscripts and check proofreading at the hotels at the crossing points. It was the same pattern at the end of last year. After entering the local area, consideration was given to sorting out serial manuscripts. For example, one of them is a serial report published on December 23rd that "AQUOS sense3" is necessary to fully upgrade the stable classical model. Before leaving, I almost finished the manuscript, took photos and screenshots, and then wrote a description of the photo called "subtitle", leaving it in a state that only needed to be re-examined as a whole. However, compared with the old models, both the NTT DoCoMo version and the SIM free version have been taken, so these terminals are also taken when they go abroad.

バリ島と言えば、寺院などに数多くの石像。表情豊かで、面白い。写真はGalaxy S10+ SCV42で撮影(リンク先はオリジナル画像)

 Arrive at Dempassar Airport in Bali, Indonesia, accept immigration clearance, please seal your passport and collect your checked baggage smoothly. Finally, there is an X-ray examination of the luggage, put all the luggage on the conveyor belt, after passing, want to go out, the last time the customs staff "waited".

 The customs officer said, "I want to show you the luggage." Computers and smartphones would be troublesome if Rostow Bagchi disappeared, so they were put in the small suitcase and bag that they took on the plane to see what was in the luggage over there. Not carrying anything particularly suspicious, so open the bag and show him "Yes, please". The clerk asked, "Why do you have several smartphones?" "this question (English, of course). In poor English, "I am a writer writing reports on mobile phones and smartphones", "this is a holiday, not working in Bali", "unfinished work, send reports to Japan, in order to confirm the action, brought a number of stations" and other instructions, "where to write the report?" "therefore, immediately display the page prompt for the mobile phone Watch serialization. Then he said, "Don't you do YouTube?" "asked, this time showed Impress Watch Video's" Farin Yuezhi's cell phone! "and showed him, pointing to the picture and the author, saying" Oh, really "(presumed to be a conversation in Indonesian), in a warm atmosphere with colleagues and staff.

危うく没収? 気をつけたい、入国時のスマートフォン持ち込み制限

 In the process of showing a lot, the author did this kind of work, and the matter was finally understood, and finally some people thought it was the person in charge, indicating that "you can only bring two smartphones when you enter the country here." "unlike Japan and Indonesia, the cost of international roaming will become higher if it is not centered on free SIM cards, and even ordinary people will bring in more than two sets," although it is retorted with a semi-tough explanation (laughter). So you can't let them pass directly. In order to keep your promise not to sell the terminal in Bali, I want you to put your deposit here.

預かり金の対象となった「Galaxy S10+ SCV42」と「iPhone XS」

 In other words, as the customs of Bali, smartphones brought from overseas are sold for fear of having an impact on the domestic market. In this way, there is a similar explanation in the "Nanteka Research Society" attended by "people of insight" from which country.

 Let's not talk about this for the time being. The person in charge said that if the deposit is paid, it doesn't matter if it is brought in directly by the terminal. when you return home, the deposit will be returned to the customs, so there is no way to pay.

 However, the story does not end here (laughter). Among the terminals brought, two of Sharp's AQUOS sense3 and the AQUOS sense2 of old models are the explanations of the terminals that customs officers are not clear about, but not the objects of deposit (then, pass). In the end, customs officials chose Samsung's "Galaxy S10+SCV42" and Apple's "iPhone XS" (NTT DoCoMo version) among the terminals I wanted to bring in. Galaxy S10+SCV42 is the main terminal signed on its own au line, and iPhone XS is the eSIM registered terminal of Thailand AIS's international roaming service "SIM2Fly" introduced last time. It seems to have chosen a terminal that is also well known in Indonesia.

 Then, when asked about the actual price of the two terminals, the customs officer calculated a deposit of "7.5 million rupees" (about 60, 000 yen). And you can't use credit cards, you can only pay in cash. You can deposit Japanese yen, he said. "if you need to, you can take the Indonesian Albiya from the ATM." However, after staying for about a week, the hotel has already paid for it, because I intend to use credit cards at almost all destinations, so it is impossible to hold so much money in Japanese yen. "when it comes to 60,000 yen, I now hold almost all of the yen. If you save this, you won't be able to live in Bali. "somehow, the deposit was reduced to 30,000 yen (laughter).

 In this case, I finally saved 30,000 yen as a deposit and used the remaining cash and credit cards during my stay to go on holiday cautiously. When I arrived at the airport on the day of my return, I went to the customs on the way, and the staff who were different from the day of entry responded with a smile and safely returned the deposit of 30,000 yen to hand. Because there is little cash on hand, shopping and eating are also done very simply (originally cheap), which may be said to be a good economy (laughter).

 Kang Yamane, who told this series of stories to people related to work and who is also familiar with this magazine, said: "there are basically two stations in China." Sometimes it will be confiscated when it is harsh. Searching the Internet with keywords such as "restricted entry mobile phones", although reports of restrictions on entry have also been found in Asia and South America, they are all countermeasures for the sale of imported terminals in China. In fact, the confiscation of the terminal or the deposit seems to vary greatly from country to country and region, but in any case, it is unwise to bring a few smartphones. Please pay attention to those who go abroad for graduation travel in order to welcome the early spring in the future.