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"Acceleration for industry with the latest 5G specification", Huawei is an empowered at its own event

 Huawei Technologies, China, released an outline of the 5G Brings New Value To Industries on the online event hosted by the company on July 28, 2020.In the future, 5G will be the foundation for industrial digitalization, and will also support AI (artificial intelligence), cloud and computing applications, and to improve energy efficiency and create new industrial value.


 5G expands its use from digital connections centered on people to things, creating the following four important changes.



多彩な端末への対応:3G、4Gで主要な端末だったスマートフォンに加え、5Gでは、CPE(customer-premises equipment、顧客構内装置)やカメラ類、UAV(unmanned aerial vehicles、無人飛行機)など、より広範な端末がネットワークにアクセスされるようになる。


Various network services based on 5G standardization specifications

 By using a consistent slicing architecture from the 3GPP core network to wireless networks and terminals, virtual network multiplexing on the same network infrastructure can be multiplexed.Network slices are automatically generated, managed, and operated on the network side, and each slice can be used as an independent network that meets the various requirements of industrial applications that operate there.


 In 3GPP Release 15, the standardization was promoted by focusing on services that require wide frequency bands, such as high -resolution video live distribution, remote treatment, and public safety.The other day, the standard of specification standardization was completed, and new features such as URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication, ultra-high-speed and low delay communication) have been added.This has taken this opportunity to develop industrial applications, and at the same time, operators have begun to expand the market.

Rapid 5G terminal development

 According to the latest surveys conducted by mobile communication industry group GSA (Global Mobile Suppliers Association), 49 species for 5G have already been sold, of which more than 54%will be adopted by commercial products by the end of 2020.It is planned.As 5G-compatible modules are developed one after another, a variety of 5G terminals, such as CPE for industry, 5G compatible set-up box, and 5G-compatible vehicles (T-BOX), will be on the market.

 Already, 5G -compatible CPE for industries is used for remote control support for port machinery, and 5G cameras are also used in the Everest altitude measurement project for broadcasting.In China, 20,000 to 3 million 5G modules will be launched on the market, and individual prices are expected to fall to $ 20 by 2021.Due to such a decline in entry barriers, the development of industrial applications will proceed further.


New value created by 5G industrial digitalization

 For smart ports, operating costs are significantly reduced by shifting crane operation to remote management from the site using a 5g high -speed large -capacity low -delay communication.From the crane operation of each person at the conventional site, all operators can operate four units at the same time in remote management.As a result, in addition to the 70 % reduction in labor costs, it is possible to handle 25 to 30 containers per hour.In addition, the work environment is improved, such as minimizing safety risks.

 By adopting 5G, it is possible to improve energy efficiency, energy consumption, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and realize a sustainable society.The 5G module achieves 50 times more capacity while reducing energy consumption compared to 4G.In other words, the energy efficiency per bit is 50 times higher.In medical services, the introduction of remote medical treatment can reduce conventional face -to -face medicine without reducing the number of patients and diagnosis.With reduced physical movement, the amount of global warming gas emissions are 99 compared to before..6%is reduced.

Industrial value created by 5G innovation and collaboration

 For the development of various industrial applications, the function of 5G networks is also increasing.For example, the TDD network has been introduced for the realization of EMBB (Enhanced Mobile Broadband, high -speed large -capacity communication), and the performance at the time of downlink is overwhelmingly higher than when going up links, but large capacity low -delay required for digital industries.The requirement of uphill link does not meet.

 To solve this problem, Huawei has developed a SUPER UPLINK solution that complements the TDD with an FDD frequency band in cooperation with a partner in the industry.Even if the actual network is verified, the delay time has been reduced by 30%and the rising speed speed has been increased by 4 times.By combining all frequency bands for up links, communications in gigabit units are also possible.

 For industrial application development and creation of new industrial value, business models, specification standardization, policy support, technological innovation, and diversification of terminals are essential.HUAWEI will continue to work with various industries and proceed with thorough discussions.
