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Tech giant announces digital People's Products, new cryptocurrency "CHIA NETWORK", etc.

At Digital China Summit, held in Fukushu, a major Tech giant has shown a project on digital RMB, and news about the Digital RMB has been announced one after another.Jd.The COM (Kyohong) digital people's salary calculation, the announcement of the digital people's source software of Ant Group (ANT GROUP), and the Wand with the Digital People's Bank of Industrial Commercial Bank were noticeable.CHIA Network can overtake Filecoin and become the hottest virtual currency in China, and the hardware shelves are empty before the launch, but regulatory authorities have illegal funding for cryptocurrencies.He warns that he is looking at it as a tool.

A new virtual currency called CHIA Network is scheduled to start trading on May 4, and the Chinese cryptocurrency community is preparing.CHIA adopts the "Proof-OF-Space-Time model", and minor (here is called Farmer) can reserve a disk space for a certain period of time, mined blocks, and get rewards.

テック大手がデジタル人民元商品を発表、新仮想通貨「Chia Network」など——中国ブロックチェーン界週間振り返り(4月21日~4月27日)

CHIA was established by BRAM Cohen, the creator of Bittorrent, to limit the power consumption required for cryptocurrency mining.In February, a 3.4 million dollar sea drown was held, and the investors in the round also included American venture capital Andreessen Horowitz.

GUO SHUQING, chairman of the China Insurance Director Management Committee (CIRC, CIRC), illegal, such as blockchain and cryptocurrency, before the implementation of illegal funding on May 1st.He warned that the authorities would pay close attention to the "new risks" of funding.(Chinese securities report)

A wholly owned subsidiary of Huobi in Hong Kong has launched four new cryptocurrency funds to attract institutional investors.(Dynasty technique)

[Via Technode] @TechNodechina

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