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A big problem in Russia, a river dyed in blood color ...

Even if you decide your face ...

What would you do if the water in the river flowing in front of you became such a bright red blood color?No, something wrong?In the first place, is this photo a bad joke processed by a photo show?

Since this month, the photos of these rivers have become more prominent on SNS, from residents of Nori Risk, located in the northern north of Siberia.It is not a level where the water is reddish, but it is a river dyed as dark as bloody enough to approach it.Isn't the water in this river becoming a living water?

2016年に撮影されたノリリスク上空の写真 NASA Earth Observatoryより

Norillisk, one of the world's leading Nickel mine, has been operated by NORILSK NICKEL Nickel Plant since 1979.NASA has recently released a satellite photo of Nori Risk on Earth ObservaTory.It is suspected that the sewage flowing out of the factory has dyed the Daldykan River in red.

2001年に撮影されたノリリスク上空の写真 NASA Earth Observatoryより


By the way, this is a satellite photo published by NASA, which is said to have been taken in 2001 in 2001.It is said that nearly 20 years ago, the phenomenon of the river dyed in red blood in the norillisk has been frequently witnessed, but I feel that it can be clearly confirmed from the sky.

However, NORILSK Nickel, which runs suspected factories, has been stating that the factory side has nothing to do with the problematic phenomena.It seems that the anxiety of the residents is only increasing.Comparing satellite photos in 2001 and 2016, in recent years, the flow of red -dyed rivers has been confirmed in a wider area, and the color of the tank that accumulates sewage has recently become darker.It is obvious at a glance.

It seems that several scientists have already pointed out the local abnormalities, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology in Russia has finally begun a detailed investigation.Norilsk Nickel, who was in a hurry, seems to have progressed to the point of comment that the water flowed out of the sewage filter due to heavy rain could have led to a red dyed river.

The most suspicious thing now is the factory pipes, and the sewage continues to leak from there.I just hope that the series has been left for a long time until this is the case, and that it is no longer a serious pollution.

Image by Basalyga_katerina_nl -Instagram

Source: NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY, basalyga_katerina_nl -Instagram