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99% of 100 doctors recommend Marutomo's "Eat Niboshi Series"! Obtained the "AskDoctors Doctor's Confirmed Product" mark for the first time in the marine dried fish category. We will appeal as a healthy snack.Corporate release

Category: Goods and services

マルトモ「食べる煮干しシリーズ」を100名中99%の医師が推奨!海産乾物カテゴリーでは初認証の「AskDoctors医師の確認済み商品」マークを取得。すこやかおやつとして訴求します。 企業リリース

Release issuer: Marutomo Co., Ltd.

Marutomo Co., Ltd. (President: Hitoshi Imai Headquarters: Iyo City, Ehime Prefecture)'s "Eat Boiled Dried Series" is "AskDoctors Evaluation Service" provided by M3 Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Tadashi Tanimura Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter M3). As a result of the evaluation by, we got the "AskDoctors Doctor's Confirmed Product" mark. Marutomo Co., Ltd. (President: Hitoshi Imai Headquarters: Iyo City, Ehime Prefecture)'s "Eat Boiled Dried Series" is "AskDoctors Evaluation Service" provided by M3 Co., Ltd. (Representative Director: Tadashi Tanimura Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter M3). As a result of the evaluation by, we got the "AskDoctors Doctor's Confirmed Product" mark. "AskDoctors Evaluation Service" ( is registered on "", Japan's largest specialized site for medical professionals with more than 280,000 doctor members, operated by M3. This is a service in which a doctor objectively evaluates a product, and certification is given to the product that meets certain criteria. This time, 99% of the 100 member doctors of "" answered that they would like to recommend Marutomo's "Eat Niboshi Series" to others. This is the first "AskDoctors Doctor's Confirmed Product" in the marine dried fish category. Marutomo's "Eat Niboshi Series" consists of four products: "Eat Niboshi," "Reduced Salt Eat Niboshi," "Eat Small Fish," and "Otsumami Niboshi." In addition to DHA and EPA, dried sardines contain about 20 times more calcium than milk (Source: Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan 2015, "Seventh Edition"). You can enjoy it as a snack or snack with a healthy snack feeling. We have a lineup of products that you can enjoy as you like, such as low-salt type, special products specified by the production area, and crispy candy-roasted seasoning type. As the time spent at home increases and the demand for snacks increases, we will convey the value of "niboshi to eat" as one of the new healthy snacks and snacks. The details are as follows. [About Marutomo's "Eat Niboshi Series" "Ask Doctors Doctor's Confirmed Product" Certification] ■ Target products: "Eat Niboshi" "Low-salt Eat Niboshi" "Eat Small Fish" "Snack Niboshi" ■ Survey method: Present materials Web questionnaire survey after actually tasting the product ■ Survey target: member doctor (internal medicine) ■ Survey period: June 2020 ■ Number of responses: 100 ■ Survey result: https: // askdoctorslab. jp / product / marutomo_niboshi / We asked 100 physicians. 1. 1. Do you want to recommend this product to others? 2. 2. Would you like to recommend this product as a "children's treat"? The "Eat Niboshi Series" is also recommended for children's snacks. You can enjoy it easily and deliciously as a healthy and healthy snack. We will also strive to promote the value of "dried sardines" at stores by using promotional materials such as POP. ■ Answer to Marutomo's "Eat Niboshi Series" according to AskDoctors Example of doctor's comment (It is an individual impression of the doctor and does not guarantee the effect and efficacy.) First of all, the taste was delicious. I thought it was a snack of sake, but when the children ate it, it was well received as a snack. I'm thinking of actually buying it in the future and incorporating it as one of the sweets. (Internal medicine / male / 36 years old) You can easily replenish calcium, which is a nutrient that tends to be deficient in the diet. (Internal medicine / female / 48 years old) One fish was small and easy to eat. The seasoning is just right. (Internal medicine / male / 50 years old) I would like to recommend it to people who are not aware of their usual diet, those who have poor nutritional balance, and those who eat instant foods and sweets as snacks. (Internal medicine / female / 31 years old) Opportunities to eat fish, including my own children, are decreasing. Calcium deficiency is a problem, so I recommend it to children. (Internal medicine / male / 53 years old) 1. Calcium well below the recommended intake The recommended intake of calcium per Japanese adult is 650-800 mg. However, the average intake of modern Japanese people is 517 mg, which is far below the recommended amount (* 1). Calcium deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms, including brittle bones and teeth, and frustration. In particular, growing children have more active bone growth than adults, so keeping bones strong during periods of increased bone mass will help prevent osteoporosis in the future. 2. 2. I feel deficient in calcium intake When I investigated the nutrients that I felt deficient, calcium, DHA / EPA, and iron (* 2) were listed in the top three. Some people may feel the need for calcium, but feel a deficiency in their intake. 3. 3. Dairy products are often cited as calcium-conscious foods that are considered difficult to consume continuously every day, but on the other hand, continuous intake of the calcium required for the day is taken every day. As many as 98% (* 3) answered that they were "very difficult" or "somewhat difficult", and it is considered difficult to make up for the shortage with dairy products alone. 4. Niboshi is a food that contains a lot of calcium The amount of calcium contained in 100g of dried sardines is about 20 times that of milk (* 4). Due to its high calcium content and absorption rate of about 33% (* 5), dried sardines are considered to be a suitable food for calcium intake. "Eat Niboshi" allows you to take the whole nutrition of Niboshi as it is, so you can easily enjoy it as a snack or snack.To the details of the corporate press release To the top of PR TIMES

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* Product prices, specifications, service details, etc. described in the news release are as of the date of announcement. Please note that it is subject to change without notice.